Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Long time, no see...

It's been a while, I know, but sometimes I just can't be arsed.

This, remarkably, isn't a Who related post at all. I recorded Pulse last night, and have watched it tonight. Man. That's some crazy fucked up shit right there. Cracking viewing, proper edge of your seat drama. Looking forward to a full series.

Felt a bit down tonight, and in a strange frame of mind. Really wanted to go out, have a drink, meet someone, and fall in love. Now, wouldn't that be nice?

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Well, the last couple of days have been eventful. New Who was fantastic! I have watched it once a day since Saturday - quite restrained, if I'm honest.

Not had much access to the web - kids off for easter - so not had chance to post, but I've enjoyed myself. Went to town yesterday, hoping to get myself a new Sonic Screwdriver, but Forbidden planet Sheffield hasn't got them yet. Got myself a £2.99 Time Squad figure of the Tenth Doctor instead, then Patrick Troughton's 'The Seeds of Death' from HMV for a tenner.

My little brother Tom's 20th birthday today. Twenty! I feel so old!

Anyway, that's me done for a bit, see you when I see you.

Saturday, 3 April 2010

New Who

It's on tonight. (1 hour and 11 minutes exactly, actually)

What more do you need?

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Hour. BBC1/BBC HD, 6.20pm.

My God, I'm going to enjoy it. :D

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Just another vid...

Kids off for Easter, giving me less access to the interweb, so I'll just throw this video your way, from when the tour hit Scotland a couple of days ago.

Ciao for now.

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

More vids...

An assortment of vids from the Beeb from the past couple of days - one from Newsround, and a couple covering the start of the tour from local news programmes in Northern Ireland.

New Who Vids.

You may have noticed (I say you, is there anyone else actually reading this rubbish? Please say hi if you are.) that the other day, I was on about the BBC's Doctor Who site Video Explorer.

It's been added to a couple of times now - yesterday we got an interview with Producer Nikki Wilson, and today we've got a few words from Adam Smith, the Director.

Over at the site, there's also a diary of the tour, which is worth looking at.

Go on.

And if you don't want to know the result, look away now...

The new TARDIS interior:

That's a bit good, isn't it? Been and bought two copies of the Radio Times this morning - one to use, and one to gaze at adoringly.

Try as I might to update this blog with witty remarks and up to date Who news, you'll have to settle with this link to the Radio Times TARDIS gallery, and keep checking out the BBC Who site, paying particular attention to the Video Explorer and Monster Files sections.
While you're over BBC way, it's also worth listening to last Sunday's Paul O'Grady Radio 2 show on iPlayer, about 20 minutes in.

Or catch what I'm trying to direct you towards here.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Video Explorer

Further to this evening's preview of The Eleventh Hour, the BBC Doctor Who website now has the 'Video Explorer'. This not only includes the 42 seconds released tonight, but some Behind The Scenes features, more of which are to be released through the week.

Already featured are a short interview with Steven Moffat, a Pre-Visual (ie storyboards) featurette, plus 'Aerial Operator', which follows a camera crew in a helicopter as they film the footage for the sequence. And then, of course, you can watch the First Scene from The Eleventh Hour.

Also appearing in the next few days will be eight further featurettes - one each day on the 29th March, 30th March, Ist April and 2nd April, with another four popping up next Saturday, the third.

Find the Video Explorer here.

Doctor Wh...oh.

Well. After a good few days of waiting for the brilliant preview of Doctor Who, what was originally billed as The First Minute of The Eleventh Hour magically became The First Scene, and was over almost as soon as it began.

It lasts just 42 seconds, of which just around 30 seconds or so contain actual action.

Okay, so after all the build up, it's a bit of an anticlimax, but, still, it looks great. Seven days to go...

Find it here.

Jonathan Ross

Well, watched Matt Smith on Jonathan Ross last night. Pretty entertaining, though when it comes to interviews, I feel he's still a little... I don't know. 'Out of his depth' sounds a bit much, but he is only 27, and he's got this massive part, and he looked a little uncomfortable at times. But he's an amiable enough chap. Sadly, he reminds me a little of Charles Hanson from Bargain Hunt, who I detest.

And the footage? Oh. My fanboy head just spun. The 'Who is coming' trailer, plus the clip from episode 6, 'Vampires in Venice' (with the brilliant Library card gag). The next three months are going to be brilliant.

Friday, 26 March 2010

New Blog, New Post...

...coinciding with New Doctor, new series.

God knows how often this blog will be updated, but you can bet your life that it'll include a lot of Doctor Who.

The new series begins in eight days and four hours (ish), and today is the fifth anniversary of the relaunch. At seven o'clock tonight, it'll be five years since we zoomed into Rose Tyler's bedroom. And a few minutes later, it'll be five years since Graham Norton gatecrashed the party...

And then Eccles appeared with his "Run!"

Happy days.

That apart, we've got Matt Smith on Jonathan Ross tonight, and The First Minute of The Eleventh Hour on the BBC Red Button from 6.25pm tomorrow.

I am happy.